The Marketing Mama's Crystal Ball Real Estate Forecast

When the Federal Reserve started all those interest rate hikes back in 2022, especially after such low rates in the years prior, we, as a Nation were a bit shocked, to say the least.  As an industry professional…I’m not gonna lie, it was scary.  The combination of higher borrowing costs & increased home prices meant many of our buyers & sellers sat paralyzed in fear, all of which fostered the steepest real estate market slowdown since 2008.  Having lived through that recession in this business in 2008, I wasn’t looking forward to being back there again.     But almost as if Santa himself was delivering it, in December, the Fed signaled that it was done raising interest rates & suggested that it would be cutting rates still in 2024.  While their suggested rate cut would get us nowhere near the all-time historic lows of the 2-3% range, certainly cuts of even 1% make a huge difference in affordability.  I know we humans like comparing apples to apples so here’s an example: A $325,000 home purchased with 20% down & an 8% interest rate would have a principal & interest payment of $1,908.  Whereas that same home purchased with a 6.95% rate would have a principal & interest payment of $1,721.  That’s a difference of $187! While $187 might not seem like a lot, over a year that’s $2,244 & over 30 years…well…let’s not even go there.  I always cringe when I see amortization schedules in a closing package.  But, what about that same $325,000 home at a 6.25% rate? Principal & interest of $1,601, just over $300 each month in savings! How do you like them apples?! By the way, if $187 or even $300 a month in savings doesn’t move the dial for you, then what are you waiting for in general?! Homeownership is the key to long-term financial stability.  Remember, rate on rent is 100%, because you’re never getting it back.  The equity in your home will make up for rate all day long, all day strong.   The bottom line is when the market starts rolling like this, no matter if you’re buying or selling, you need Exceptional Expertise on your side to best leverage every opportunity this market brings. So, if you’re a buyer & the higher rates priced you out of your market, now is absolutely the time to get with your trusted mortgage & real estate professionals.  If you don’t have a trusted mortgage or real estate professional or you just want a FREE second opinion, please allow my team an opportunity to earn your business.  Simply text or call 833.4YO.TEAM or email for more info.  If you’re a seller who has been on the fence, I’d love to have a personal conversation with you about your goals.  You can text or call me at 855.4YO.MAMA or email me at & we can get that ball rolling.  Ok, now time to break out my CRYSTAL BALL.  Don’t worry, my crystal ball predictions are also backed with DATA.  And, data always delivers RESULTS.  But, I must tongue-in-cheek reference a crystal ball when making market predictions because the reality is ANYTHING can happen.  We would never have anticipated a global pandemic, so since then…I like to keep a bit of plausible deniability, you know, in the event of a zombie apocalypse or alien invasion.  MY CRYSTAL BALL SAYS MORTGAGE RATES WILL TREND DOWN As mentioned above, our gift from the Feds in December 2023 was that the worst is likely behind us.  Economists & Analysts from Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, the Mortgage Bankers’ Association, & all agree that rates will trend down this year.  That’s the good news.  The bad news?  They also all agree that the days of the 3% mortgage rates are long gone, & more than likely will never return.  So, what does this mean for you?  In general, when it comes to a home loan, borrowers simply need to adjust their expectations. You will not get a rate under 5% anytime soon or maybe ever again, but the good news is, the rates have gone down, so now is the time to see what that means for your personal profile.  Reminder that many things impact your rate, such as: Credit Score – higher credit score, lower rate Down Payment Amount – larger down payment, lower rate Property Type – single family home, lower rate Occupancy Type – primary residence, lower rate The lower the rate, the lower the payment.  But, you won’t know any of this until you have professionals like me & my nationwide network of agents & lenders to assist.  By the way, if rates do get down to the 6% mark or lower…we’ll more than likely be back to the bid-war days, so get in while the gettin’s good.  Because when bid wars start, that means all the leverage you have as a buyer goes pretty much out the window.  So, now is the time to secure an especially good deal.  You have lower rates, leverage, & sellers ready to play ball.  Sellers, you, too can enjoy the benefit of buyers’ lower rates because that will mean more & better offers. Text or #CallYourMama (that’s me) so we discuss maximizing your home’s sale potential.  MY CRYSTAL BALL SAYS HOME PRICES WILL STAY PUT If I had a dollar for every conversation I’ve had with a tentative buyer over the past 18 months that they were just waiting for the home prices to crash, I’d have SO MANY DOLLARS. But, y’all, even 9% mortgage rates didn’t cause home prices to come crashing down.  Actually, here in Central Florida, prices from 2022 to 2023 increased, just not as dramatically as they did from 2021 to 2022, but what I would say is a more stable market.  Check out these overall stats:   Median SFR Sale Price Increase Per County, Central Florida:        Volusia County 5.8% Orange County 4.1% Seminole County 4.7% Lake County 4.5% *Source: Florida Realtors SunStats In each of these counties there are pockets of places that may have seen a decline, like New Smyrna Beach (-13.7%, Volusia), Winter Garden (-5.5%, Orange), Casselberry (-15%, Seminole), & Leesburg (-3.8%, Lake) but in general, home prices are holding firm. Real estate is hyper local, & it’s important that you have a trusted expert to guide you through your options.  If you have a question about real market stats, please reach out.  Know that you deserve your real estate professional to guide you through all your options using data, not emotion, as that’s the best way to put you in the best position for success.  Will home prices drop?  Well, the experts are all in my court, agreeing that they’ll remain relatively the same with either a very slight fall of less than 2% to a maximum gain of around 4%.  But one thing all experts agree on is if the mortgage rates fall faster than expected, which will open the market up to more buyers, well, home prices could soar higher.  That’s economics 101: supply & demand.  What does it mean for you? All signs point to level home prices, so if you’re ready to & able to afford a home, it is time to get the answers you’re looking for. This market is still fairly slow, which is a great time to find the best bargains.  Reach out so we can discuss your goals & budget. Whether it’s 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years, we can help you make an informed decision about the right time to buy for those goals & budget.  And if you’ve been waiting to sell your home, now is the best time to maximize your equity gains while minimizing your competition. For recommendations and to find out what your home could sell for in today’s market: MY CRYSTAL BALL SAYS THE WAIT IS OVER We’ve all been waiting on the sidelines wondering what the heck is going on with these rates.  Buyer demand cooled, which delayed plans for many sellers who were happy with their lower interest rates (even if they were no longer happy with their home).  By all accounts, especially in the wake of the 2020 - 2021 frenzy, it felt as though the real estate market faucet had turned off.  However, as financing costs come down, sales volume will rise.  These lower rates incentivize buyers with affordability as well as sellers ready to trade their existing home & level up, which will help add much-needed inventory to the market. What does this mean for you?  BUYERS The right time to buy is buying within your budget & when you can find a home that fits your needs. Building equity with any interest rate is a benefit that renting a home at 100% interest will never give you.  And now, more than ever, sitting on the sidelines means you might miss out on better opportunities, because when mortgage rates decline it usually brings buyers back to the market in droves.  So, get in the game; it’s GO TIME!   SELLERS If you’re hoping to sell this year, the sooner you list, the better your odds are, as an increase in listings means more competition for you & the harder it could be to get your home to stand out. The good news is: we can put together the best game plan to maximize your profits, starting with a professional assessment of your home’s current market value.  Please reach out to schedule a FREE consultation or request one online at    YOU DON’T NEED A CRYSTAL BALL WHEN YOU HAVE A PROVEN REAL ESTATE TEAM Real estate is hyper-local, & the actual data of your market will have a huge impact on your buying or selling power.  You deserve a trusted, professional real estate EXPERT who can give you a clear picture of your options & back it up with actual data.  Your real estate goals are our MISSION.  As your go-to for #AllThingsRealEstate, you can count on us to guide you through the market's twists and turns. If you’re considering buying or selling a home in 2024, let my TEAM WORK for you! Much love, Amanda aka The Marketing Mama
A Few Words On Attracting Offers For Your Home

Remember when you could whisper about listing your house and your trusted real estate agent already had like 10 buyers in the hopper? Well…yeah…with absolutely crazy historically-low mortgage rates, who wasn’t buying homes then?  Now that we’re seeing rates in the 7, 8, & even 9% range (yeah), buyers are a little less excited to fight over houses.  Here's the good news if you’re thinking of selling:  home inventory still remains low, so your home will still sell.  In my previous videos & blogs I’ve discussed the Top 5 Ways to Maximize Profit When Selling Your Home and even discussed whether it’s time to Make-over or Move with strategic upgrades.  Today, let’s talk about ways to ATTRACT the best offers on your home. With 20 years in the real estate business under my belt, I can tell you from experience that in a market like this….homeowners who go the extra mile are more likely to sell faster and for a higher price.   If you are even considering listing your home for sale, my team and I as well as my nationwide network of agents would LOVE to answer any questions you have and of course help you net the most money possible with the absolute least amount of hassle.  So, let’s discuss how to attract the best offers for buyers in today’s market. 1. TWO WORDS: PRE-LISTING INSPECTION Yes, most buyers have their own inspection during the contingency period of your contract…but how do you make your home stand out in a crowd? How do you quell the pain of the higher rates? You show buyers that you’re delivering the goods in good condition by having a pre-listing inspection.    Here’s a couple perks to the pre-listing inspection:            a. You know out-the-gate any big-ticket items that might impact your net proceeds. It                      doesn’t mean you have to address them prior to listing or even closing, but at least                        we know what we are working with.             b. Sharing a pre-listing inspection shows interested buyers that you’re committed to a                      transparent transaction. That doesn’t mean negotiations are off the table, it just                            shows that you’re exactly who you say you are, you are great to work with, and you’re                  committed to getting to the closing table. By the way, negotiating deals is probably my favorite thing about real estate. It’s like chess, in a way.  I tell my team and the agents I coach & mentor: it’s not a death battle royale…it’s more like a tightrope walk, and the more you realize that concept, the more successful your real estate transactions will be.  Anywho…. here in Florida we have inspectors we can recommend for your pre-listing inspection and even help you if that inspection identifies any concerns.  We can advise on which items need attention before you list your home or at all. Remember, whether you buy or sell in 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years…we are here to HELP.  Every step of the way.     2. TWO MORE WORDS: STAGING SELLS We live in an Instagram world, and I’m an Instagram girl…but seriously, you need to standout to get standout offers.  And buyers who are seriously looking are used to scrolling through Instagram houses, so you have that to compete with.  That’s where home staging comes in. Staging can include everything from decluttering and packing away personal items to bringing in neutral furniture and accessories for photos, showings, & open houses.  Staging is a strategic marketing tool to help buyers imagine themselves living in your home and is intentionally designed to create emotion in every single space.  According to the National Association of Realtors, home staging can both increase the dollar value of home offers and help a property sell faster. In fact, 83% of seller’s agents agree that staging decreases the amount of time a home spends on the market, and 44% of buyer’s agents see higher offers for staged homes. For our sellers we offer a free staging appointment and also have this handy dandy Guide to Staging With Your Own Stuff.  There’s plenty of strategy and research behind the process, so if you’re interested in the Guide or are curious about staging in general, reach out and let’s connect about how staging can help your property show its full potential. 3. THREE WORDS: PRICE TO SELL I know it’s so tempting to list your property at the highest possible price, but that approach can backfire. Homes that are overpriced tend to sit on the market and homes that sit on the market have this psychological effect on buyers where they wonder, ‘what’s wrong with that house?’ It reduces the amount of showings and eliminates opportunities for offers.  Pricing to sell is pricing either at or slightly below market value and when you’re priced to sell and your home is in great shape, it can ultimately lead to a higher sales price and fewer concessions. To help you list at the right price, we will do a comparative market analysis, or CMA. This integral piece of research will help us determine an ideal listing price based on the comparable properties that have recently sold in your neighborhood. Without this data, you risk pricing your home too high (and getting no offers) or too low (and leaving money on the table). Combined with our local market insights, we’ll help you find that sweet spot that will attract the best offers while maximizing your profit margin.   4. THREE MORE WORDS: OFFER BUYER INCENTIVES Hear me out: sometimes, sweetening the deal with buyer incentives can help you get the best possible offer. Incentives are really helpful in today’s market as many buyers are struggling with affordability and are concerned about their monthly payments. You can offer to pay the HOA fees for a year, or give them closing costs credits, or even market your home with the incentive showing buyers what your contribution to buying down their rate can do for their monthly mortgage payment.  That’s a crowd favorite, for sure.  The key, remember, is to attract offers and that’s why I’d never recommend you simply give up any of your net proceeds, but rather would be happy to talk through strategy and what buyer incentive options might make sense for you to achieve your goals.      5. FOUR WORDS: STRATEGIC ACTIVE MARKETING PLAN You have to do more than post a sign in the yard and pray these days.  We do that too, of course, but truly, a strategic active marketing plan is essential to get your home in front of as many interested and qualified buyers as possible. Buyers who don’t know about your house can’t make an offer, right?  That’s why we utilize a multi-step approach to marketing that starts with identifying your target audience, effectively positioning your home in the market, and communicating its unique value with boots-on-the-ground neighborhood canvassing coupled with incredible digital marketing. With digital marketing, we use a variety of distribution channels to connect with potential buyers and performance-based metrics to monitor and improve our campaign results. I’m the Marketing Mama for #AllThingsRealEstate and I can assure you that the key to success in real estate is successful marketing.  Our proven approach can have a big impact on the success of your sale. Reach out to learn more about our multi-step marketing plan and discuss how we can use it to generate interest and offers for your home. AND FOUR MORE WORDS: LET’S SELL YOUR HOUSE! Are you ready to get a great offer for your home? Our decades of experience, marketing prowess, and proven multifaceted approach is designed to deliver results with less hassle.  Even if you just have questions, we’d love to hear from you.  Please reach out for a free home value assessment and customized sales plan to get started! 833.4YO.TEAM   Much love, Amanda, The Marketing Mama      
Is Now a Good Time to Make a Move or Makeover My Home?

Many of our clients are happy holding down some VERY low mortgage rates they secured over the past few years.  So much so, that even when their current home no longer serves their needs, even if it makes them unhappy, they’re now torn because of the financial implications that may come along with a potential move or adjustment to that mortgage.  So, I ask, when should you sacrifice quality of life over potential costs, as well as short & long-term financial gains to live in a home you LOVE?  And, is it better to move or to makeover?  Also, when it comes to a remodel, is it better to refinance or is an equity line of credit better?     So many unanswered questions.  So many unknowns! Until now.  Having been your go-to guru for #AllThingsRealEstate over the past two decades, we here at YOUR Home Team pride ourselves on being educators above all else.  That’s the EXPERTISE we bring to each transaction, whether it’s your 1st home or your 50th.  Because at our family business, you’re not just business, you’re FAMILY!  And, whether you buy or sell in 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years…we’ll be here whenever you’re ready.  We are here to be your Real Estate resource for life.  So, real talk.  Do you actually need to move?  One of my favorite Real Estate Coaches, Tom Ferry, says people only move due to the “5 D’s” That’s Diamonds, Divorce, Diplomas, Diapers, & Death.  Here in Florida, especially, I’d say there’s a 6th “D” and that’s Downsizing.  If any of these Ds apply to you, then it’s time to not just speculate but really time to dig into the math to make you move.  For those of you that are getting married, getting divorced, have a new baby, lost a family member, graduated to the next level, or are even wanting to simplify & go smaller…for a FREE no obligation review of your equity position, contact #YourFavoriteLender Home Team Lending at 833.WE.LOAN.1 today.  Or, apply online at Click the cute guy named Manny, I heard he’s pretty good (*wink).  😊   But what if none of those 6 D’s apply to you? If you really don’t NEED to move but you feel like your current home just isn’t cutting it, what is your best bet?  Because when you weigh the pros and cons of moving vs a home makeover, it can be a real head scratcher whether rates are high, low, or anywhere in between.  Don’t fret.  There’s 4 basic steps to know what route to take: Step one: pinpoint what’s bugging you about your home.  An outdated kitchen or bathroom can go from basic to BEAUTIFUL with relatively minor renovations.  Plus, a kitchen or bath upgrade can not only increase your enjoyment of the home but is proven to be one of the highest returns on investment for your home’s value.  What if your current home lacks the one room you really need?  That can be a little more challenging, but, as I always say, “everything is figureoutable.”  From building an addition to reconfiguring the floor plan, or even building a full-on detached building, you have options when you own a home.   Be careful, though, because when it comes to building an accessory dwelling, you need to check with the zoning & permitting department where your home is located first.  Also! Not all remodeling choices impact the long-term value of your home in a positive way.  For example, garage conversions aren’t typically popular with buyers and can sometimes be harder to sell.  The specific impact of a renovation will depend on a number of factors, so if you have something specific in mind, before you move forward, we can help you assess how a planned project is likely to affect the value of your home. Reach out to #YourFavoriteRealtors the Home Team Agents of lpt Realty at 833.4YO.TEAM. Or, request your home valuation at If you don’t need to move but didn’t realize that living so close to the airport would be so noisy at night, or you don’t love the school district your home is in, or any other reason that location alone doesn’t work for you anymore, that’s a no-brainer: location is not something you can change, unless you change actual locations. Duh.  Now that we’ve realized the motivation to makeover or move, what’s the next step? Step two: answer these questions: How long have you been in your current home? How much did you put down on your home when you purchased? What’s your mortgage payoff? If you’ve lived in your home 3 years or longer here in Florida, more than likely, you have some serious equity in your home.  If it’s less than 3 years, depending on the amount of your down payment when you purchased you viably could have enough equity to make the move or even the “makeover” make sense.  Knowing this information is key for step three. Step three: reach out to me, Your Marketing Mama for #AllThingsRealEstate, or any one of the EXPERT AGENTS on my team.  We can provide a Comparative Market Analysis for your home to give you a range of value for your home.   I know what you’re thinking…you can look at a “Zestimate,” right?  NO!  Listen, I, like any other real estate professional, have a love/hate relationship with Zillow.  But, the fact remains, a computer algorithm will never be able to accurately provide value for your home.  Real estate is hyper-local, and a nationwide algorithm isn’t going to be hyper-sensitive to the features of your home to give you a realistic value.  Here’s the Zestimate for a home I sold a few months ago: $211,500.  We sold (and the home appraised) at $280,000!  That’s nearly $70 grand!  You could most certainly upgrade your kitchen with that kind of cheese.  The point is-when you need to know your home’s value, go to a professional expert. Period. This will provide you with an accurate equity position; which is your property’s value minus what you currently owe on your mortgage. And that’s where step four comes in. Step four: now that you have an idea of equity position, the next step is to understand the costs for each option. Here’s the straight facts from all components, as we have real estate sales, lending, and title all under one roof here at the Home Team Group.  No need to speculate when you have me, Your Marketing Mama for #AllThingsRealEstate because y’all, we don’t do this for practice as we’ve literally been in this business since Jesus was a baby (well, maybe not quite that long), but for our entire adult lives.  And, through these past 20 years we have expanded our business from real estate sales to also include a mortgage and a title division.  On average, it costs approximately 11.5% of the home’s final sale price to sell a house in Florida.  This includes preparation costs, Realtor® commissions, and approximate seller closing costs & title fees. Knowing your payoff will really help us drill down on your net proceeds.  And, those net proceeds coupled with the impact of homestead portability, and the very real possibility of negotiating seller concessions on your new purchase might just be the tipping point to pull the trigger and put your home on the market.  The costs of a renovation can vary widely, so it’s vital to get several estimates from contractors upfront to understand what it might take to achieve your dream home. You can cover the costs by accessing the equity you have in your home through a cash-out refinance or with a home equity line of credit (HELOC).  So, what’s the difference between the two?  A cash-out refinance provides you with a one-time lump sum of money; whereas a HELOC provides you with access to your funds over a span of time and you can use your money as needed over that period.  Since a cash-out refinance is considered a first mortgage, it comes with more attractive rates and less in-depth requirements for approval. HELOCs typically take the form of a second mortgage, so are considered riskier to the lender, which means they are also a little harder to qualify for than a cash-out refinance due to that risk.  You’ll typically need a higher credit score for a HELOC as well.  Cash-out refinances also come with fixed rates, but HELOCs have variable interest rates, which means you may pay more over the lifetime of the loan. When it comes to less upfront costs, a HELOC may be a better option because refinancing incurs closing costs, while HELOCs typically do not.  Remember, though, those closing costs can be paid with the equity you have in your home.  The bottom line: if your home has equity, you can leverage that equity to upgrade your home with a makeover or a move.  And the way to make the math work depends on so much more than a current market rate, because rates can be refinanced (with those costs covered by the equity in your home).  The cost of headache, hassle, and your actual time also plays a part.  There is no one-size-fits-all answer. If you’re feeling trapped in a home that doesn’t work for your day-to-day life now, and you haven’t really discussed the math to make your next move, let’s talk.  Information is FREE and so powerful.  Let your home’s equity & my TEAM WORK for you!  Much Love,  Amanda The Home Team Group: Home Team Agents powered by LPT Realty, Home Team Title, & Home Team Lending powered by – NMLS 70168 Branch NMLS 1937317- 112 W Indiana Ave Deland, FL - FHA Lender ID 2631500094

  Unpopular opinion: Agents didn’t sell homes the past few years in our HOT Florida market…THE MARKET DID.  Honestly, most of the “negotiating” listing agents had to do from 2020 until the end of 2022 was to call for “highest and best.” And, that’s not negotiating. That’s not marketing. That’s not selling your house. Because the MARKET was so hot for sellers in recent years, the expectation most home sellers still have is that they’re going to stick a sign in the yard and then these 3 things will happen: Home sells fast Buckets of money from bid wards No or Minimal effort is needed to make the home stand out Having been in this business for 20 years, I can tell you that the real estate market is cyclical. It always has been and it always will be!  This is my 5th cycle, and the reality is, selling a home is rarely as simple as sticking a sign in the yard and diving in your room full of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck after selling it way over list price.  When selling a home, we focus on what you can CONTROL.  And that is these 3 things: Condition of the Property Effective Marketing & Follow-Up Bulldog Negotiation Skills Not sure why your property didn’t sell? If your listing has expired or been withdrawn, give YOUR Home Team a call! We’d be happy to offer a free, no-obligation assessment and create an action plan to get your home SOLD. So, let’s dig into those 3 things you can control, which often times, believe it or not…can also be the reasons a home doesn’t sell if they aren’t addressed prior to listing.  POOR CONDITION OF HOME If your property received a lot of foot traffic but no offers, you may need to examine the impression you made on buyers who visited your property. Start with the big-ticket items: AC, Roof, Plumbing, Electric.  How sound are your home’s structure and systems? Are there large cracks in the foundation? Are there water stains on the walls or ceiling that could signal a leak? How about windows or doors that don’t close or lights or switches that don’t work? These can be “red flags” that scare away buyers. Curb appeal also plays a huge role in buyer perception.  Yards that need mowing and hedges that need trimmed are another subliminal turn off for prospective buyers.  And, certainly, if you have any exterior items in disrepair (like peeling paint or rotted siding), that should be addressed.  Lastly, even a home with pristine yards and brand new big ticket items still are subject to the impression it gives to prospective buyers on the inside. Have you taken time to declutter & depersonalize? Buyers need to visualize themselves living in your home, which can be hard to do if the home is still jam packed.  Is your home clean? How does it smell?  Less is more when it comes to selling a home.  So Help Me Home Team! When we take on a new listing, we always walk through it with the homeowner and point out any repairs, updates, or decluttering that should be done to maximize its sales potential. We also share tips on how to prep the property before each showing. Click here for our Prep Your Home for Sale Guide. In some cases, we will recommend that you utilize staging techniques to highlight your home’s best features and help buyers envision themselves living in the space. Home staging is one of the hottest trends in real estate—because it works! The National Association of Realtors suggests that staging can help push up your final sale price by as much as 20%. Some sellers choose to hire a professional home stager, while others opt to do it themselves, but our “Staging with Your Own Stuff” method is FREE for all our Sellers and we’d love to meet with you to discuss that option as well.    INEFFECTIVE MARKETING Did your home get a steady stream of showings when it was on the market? If not, you may need to try a new promotional strategy. Take a look at the listing description. Did it entice buyers to visit your property? A well-written description should be clear and compelling while highlighting your home’s most desirable features. Additionally, it should have utilized best practices for search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that it was found by buyers who were looking for homes online. And how well did the listing photos showcase your property? Many buyers use photos of a home to decide whether or not to visit it in person. Poor quality or a low quantity of listing photos could have kept potential buyers from stepping through your door. Another factor to consider is whether your listing reached the right audience. This can be especially important if you have a unique or highly-customized home. The Multiple Listing Service is a great place to start, but some properties require a more robust marketing approach. So Help Me Home Team! We employ a strategic, AGGRESSIVE Active Marketing Plan that uses a combination of boots-on-the-ground neighborhood canvassing with high-end print marketing plus the latest technologies to seed the marketplace, optimize for search engine placement, and position your home for the best possible impression right out of the gate. We also know how to get your listing in front of the right audience—one that will appreciate its unique features. By utilizing online and social marketing platforms to connect with consumers and offline channels to connect with local real estate agents, your property gets maximum exposure to your target market. Want to learn more about our multi-step marketing strategy? Reach out for a copy of our Active Marketing Plan. YOU HIRED THE WRONG AGENT (OR WORSE, NO AGENT AT ALL) If you suspect that your previous real estate agent didn’t do enough—or used the wrong approach—to sell your home, you’re not alone. Many sellers whose listings languish until they expire or are withdrawn feel this way. While most agents have the best of intentions, not all of them have the skills, experience, instincts, or local market expertise to devise a winning sales strategy in this challenging market. Or, perhaps you chose not to hire a listing agent at all and have been trying to sell your home yourself. This can be an equally frustrating endeavor. Although selling your home independently can help cut some costs, it can also be extremely risky and may even lose you money in the long run. Statistics show that For Sale By Owner (or FSBO) homes tend to sell for less than homes represented by a professional. So Help Me Home Team! If either of these scenarios sounds familiar, you need to ask yourself: “Would I still be interested in selling my home if I could get the right offer?” If so, we should talk. We understand how frustrating it can be when you’ve put a lot of time, money, and effort into prepping your property for the market and it doesn’t sell. We also empathize with how disruptive a delayed home sale can be to your life. Our number one mission as YOUR Home Team is to make your real estate goals happen.  We have helped literally thousands of families with their home ownership journey and we pride ourselves on being a resource for #AllThingsRealEstate.  READY TO MAKE A MOVE? Let's talk. We can help you figure out why your home didn’t sell and how to revise your sales strategy and set your home up for success. The housing market has experienced a shift and the waters may be choppier than usual for a while. But there's still plenty of opportunity in the current market: You just need PROVEN, EXPERT REAL ESTATE ADVISORS to navigate you through.  At YOUR Home Team, because we have been helping buyers and sellers right here in Central Florida for the past two decades…it’s always SMOOTH SAILING when you work with us…whatever the market brings our way! If your goal is still to sell your home, then YOUR Home Team is here to sell your home for the most money possible, and in the process reconnect you with the excitement you originally felt upon first listing. It’s time for a new agent, new marketing, new buyers, and most of all… new possibilities! Much Love,  Amanda aka The Marketing Mama
Can You Own A Home On A First-Time Buyer Budget?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock…you have probably caught wind that housing affordability in America hit an all-time low recently.  The combination of higher mortgage rates and low inventory have made the starter home category particularly tough, as lower-priced homes quite often get snagged with cash buyers.  It can be deflating for the first-time buyer, to say the least!   If you read my blogs, you know I love data and stats…and this stat really shook me to my core, as I’ve been assisting first-time buyers with the dream of homeownership for the past 20 years.  My husband/business partner, Manny, and I firmly believe that the first-time buyer is truly the backbone of our industry, and it’s been our pleasure assisting literally hundreds of first-time buyers together over the past two decades right here in Central Florida…many of whom we’ve helped buy and sell several homes since.  That relationship, that trust…it’s especially important on any purchase, but there’s just something special about the first purchase. So, here’s the core-rocking stat: according to the National Association of Realtors, only 26% of last year's homebuyers were first-timers—the lowest share on record and down from 34% a year prior1. Wow. As a result, many first-time homebuyers are finding that they need to get creative or risk renting for longer than they planned. Have no fear, “creative” is my middle name (technically it’s Lynne, but you know what I mean). 😉 Here are some creative ways to become a homeowner on a first-time buyer budget:   1. Team Up With Family or Friends If you aren't able to qualify for a home on your own, consider co-purchasing with a friend or family member instead. This unconventional housing arrangement is also growing more popular as friends and family members cope with higher living costs by pooling resources. According to the National Association of Realtors' 2022 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the share of first-time homebuyers living with people other than children or a romantic partner is currently at an all-time high. Meanwhile, research from Pew found that multigenerational living has accelerated especially quickly, with a quarter of U.S. adults aged 25 to 34 now living in a multigenerational home.2 Arrangements can be customized to fit your circumstances. For example, you could purchase a home together and share the expenses, or even purchase yourself and then rent a portion of it to a loved one. You'll get to see your loved ones more often and enjoy the coziness of shared living with people you like having around. If that doesn’t spark your interest, or maybe your goal was to live on your own…there are loan products that allow a non-occupying co-borrower for you; meaning, you live there alone, but that family member or friend is on the mortgage with you.  This will provide you both the opportunity to start building equity together as their financial file can aid in your approval. If you (or your family/friends) wanna know more about those loan options, reach out to my #FavoriteLender and partner in life and business now for 23 years, Manny Sarnes: or call any of our #MortgageExperts within The Home Team Group at 833.WE.LOAN.1.   Co-ownership could work out especially well in the long-term if it helps you to buy a home that's bigger, has more investment potential, or is located in a high-demand area and so appreciates at a faster rate. It’s a win-win!   2. The Gift that Keeps on Giving Getting assistance with the down payment or other borrowing costs can go a long way toward making your homeownership dreams come true. As long as you don't mind asking for help, a free-and-clear gift that's intended for your down payment is an ideal arrangement, since it will allow you to borrow less overall. Or, if that’s too big an ask, your loved ones could pitch in toward closing costs. Unlike the scenario above, with gift funds, your loved ones do not need to co-sign your loan. This is a pretty common solution for many first-time buyers.  According to a recent YouGov poll, 79% of first-time buyers under the age of 30 and a third of first-time buyers in general received financial help from their parents when buying their first home.3 So you wouldn't be the only one leaning on family to help afford a home at today's prices. Just be sure your parents or other generous loved ones are aware they're giving a gift, not a loan, and are willing to put that in writing. A lender will want proof that this money isn't adding to your debt burden and may require documentation from your benefactors. Another way to tap your network for help is ask for monetary gifts instead of tangible ones. For example, if you're getting married soon, you could skip the wedding gift registry and ask guests to contribute funds to your hoped-for home purchase instead. I’ve personally closed quite a few newlyweds through the years who have done just that!   3. Look into Down Payment Assistance and other Programs There are also quite a few special grants and funding opportunities for first-time buyers.  But, depending on your personal situation, you may find some grants difficult to qualify for—especially if you make a relatively high income. Many grants are reserved for lower-income buyers only.4 When you apply for a mortgage with the mortgage division of our family business, Home Team Lending, we simultaneously pre-qualify you for any down payment assistance options too.  Just like a mortgage, DPA has guidelines, so your overall financial profile is taken into consideration and your credit score,  debt-to-income ratio, work history, and assets are also reviewed for those programs.  Often times, the programs not only require you to meet their guidelines, but you also have to attend a first-time buyer class. That’s a fair price to pay for cold, hard cash for your down payment and other closing costs, don’t you think? Again, you’re always welcome to contact any of our real estate agents within the real estate division of YOUR Home Team; the Home Team Agents of LPT Realty and we can connect you with one of our trusted mortgage professionals or will happily work hand-in-hand with yours.  Together, we can shepherd you throughout the process and make your first-time purchase fun and stress-free! Call or text us at 833.4YO.TEAM.   4. Expand Your Criteria If you’re having trouble finding a home within your budget, I urge you to consider broadening your search criteria. Reminder, this is your FIRST house, and more than likely won’t be your last.  But, what it WILL be is a great stepping stone for you, building equity that you can use for future purchases.  And, honestly, you may be surprised by the kinds of deals that are available when you're willing to compromise. And, let’s face it, if you’re renting or living with family right now, I bet you’ve gotten pretty good at compromising. The first thing I recommend to any buyer whether it’s your first home or your tenth home is defining your “Must Haves” and separating them from your “Would Be Nice Ifs.” For example, do you really need two bathrooms and a large backyard? Or could you settle for a single bathroom with space to add a second one in the future? And would a small garden or cozy balcony still give you the outdoor time you crave? These types of compromises can sometimes shave tens of thousands off your purchase price. As another example, if you're struggling to find an affordable home in your target neighborhood, expand your search area and consider homes that are further out of town or located in up-and-coming areas with lower starting prices. We would be happy to introduce you to some great but lesser-known neighborhoods that we consider hidden gems. Similarly, you can look for homes that need a little TLC. Just because a house looks dated doesn't mean it's destined to stay that way or that it will take a ton of money to spruce up. In fact, a home with good bones but cosmetic flaws could be a perfect match: with less competition, you'll have a better chance of purchasing the home at an affordable price AND maybe the seller might be inclined to provide us with some concessions to cover repairs…you never know until you try. 😉 I’ll leave you with one last stat that hopefully helps “move” you (pun intended): according to the National Association of Realtors, the net worth of a typical homeowner was $300,000, while that of a renter was only $8,000.5 YES! That net worth should be YOURS! It’s time to start building equity to reach your financial goals.  We can help you find an affordable first home, whether it takes you three weeks, three months, or three years…if your goal is homeownership, our goal is to get you there!  At YOUR Home Team, over the past 20 years, we’ve helped literally thousands of consumers devise real estate game plans that turn those real estate dreams into reality.  Let’s connect and get started on that path together.   Buying a first home is challenging, but it's not impossible—especially when you have a savvy and caring real estate professional in your corner for life. So let’s connect and let my TEAM WORK for YOU. The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be financial, legal, or tax advice. Consult the appropriate professionals for advice regarding your individual needs.  Sources: National Association of Realtors - Pew - YouGov - Bankrate - National Association of Realtors -  
Cleaning Hacks for Busy Households

A lived in home is a loved in home, right?  But that doesn’t mean having regular clutter doesn’t start taking its toll.  Long workdays plus family commitments can sometimes mean that the daily chores move to the bottom of the priority list.  Before you know it, “spring cleaning,” now suddenly includes pressure washing and maybe even things like weeding…and the daily cleaning pile up on top of it…well, it can start to really pile on to your mental load.     Have no fear!  You’re not alone.  Everyone feels this way sometimes.  That in mind, I wanted to share some of our family strategies for keeping things tidy without spending all your free time cleaning.  Step One: Stop the Clutter Before It Starts I have four kids and I honestly do not know how I ever lived without a mud room!  I’ll tell you how…I used to have piles of stuff all over the darn place.  The baby’s 32 stuffed animals, the teenager’s tennis equipment, the husband’s Amazon returns, the 3rd grader’s crumpled up papers from his backpack…you name it, I have it. Constantly.    So, one thing we created to avoid this constant problem was to create storage spaces and designated spaces for the regular “stuff” that comes with daily living.  In my house, we have a mud room: Here are some ideas you can implement in your home if you do not have a mud room: Install coat hooks and shoe bins in the entryway for easy access. Add a key caddy and shelf for essential items (like your wallet/purse) by the door. Hang a letter bin to capture mail. Place a donation box in a closet for items you no longer want or need. Don’t get too bothered when you have to remind everyone about the designated areas.  When my kids come in the front door, they sometimes forget that all their stuff needs to go to their mud room locker, so just like with everything, Mama has to remind them.  Developing habits takes time and practice, but once you do, staying on top of clutter will become far more manageable, I guarantee it! Step Two: Set Yourself Up for Success For the LONGEST time, I just didn’t sweep my upstairs hallway until cleaning day because, well, the broom was downstairs.  Ha! Isn’t that silly?  Perhaps you might think it’s silly to have an upstairs broom AND a downstairs broom.  But I think it is genius.  Whatever is stopping you from tackling the task, arm yourself with the solution.  Here are a few ways to make cleaning make more sense: Place extra bags beneath the liner of your trash can, so you’ll have a replacement ready when you take out the trash (my teenager loves this hack). Have disinfecting wipes under every sink for an easy wipe-down. Store a broom and/or vacuum on each floor of your home so they’re easy to access. Strategically placing tools and supplies in the locations where you’re most likely to need them makes cleaning less of a chore and more of a habit. Enlist your family members to help, and it becomes a breeze! Step Three: Tackle Smaller Tasks Right Away Speaking of making tidying up a habit, if you begin a “make a mess, clean it up” philosophy, you’d be surprised at how cleaning can go from a pain to just part of the process.    Here are some suggestions to add to your routine: Bring items with you when you leave a room. For example, if you have your coffee in your home office each morning, when you leave the office, bring the cup with you.   Clean as you cook, rather than piling it all up for later. As you wait for water to boil, wash the bowls and utensils you used for prep. Hang bath towels on a bar immediately after use. By allowing them to properly air dry, you can cut down on the frequency of laundering. Score! Step Four: Put Your House “To Bed” One thing my family and I started doing was to put our house to bed before we go to bed.  We have family dinner almost every night together, and that means that after dinner cleanup is also done together. In this nightly routine, we have also implemented that all belongings that don’t belong in the common areas must be in their respective rooms.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes those belongings start piling up in my room or my kids rooms, but at least there’s not 247 Barbies or Squishmallows taking over the living room.  Here are some simple steps that will help you and your home rest easy: Load and run the dishwasher every night so you can empty it the next morning. Do one load of laundry a night. Wipe down all surfaces including countertops and sinks before you turn in. Keep the common areas clean (aka, put your stuff in your room). I know it can be hard to find the energy for chores in the evening. But if you complete these small tasks each night, especially if you can divide the labor between family members, you’ll start the next day off ready to roll. Step Five: Schedule Spring Cleaning One of the common themes of my life is that “if it isn’t on the calendar, it doesn’t happen.” I have four kids, and thirty employees, and several industry related businesses.  So, if I don’t make a point to put something on my calendar, it will absolutely be missed.  My husband and I actually schedule “spring cleaning” on our calendar.  We enlist the help of our kids so that we can get it all done in the same day and/or weekend. Here are a few tips for success with spring cleaning:   Schedule any large tasks on a weekend day where you have no other events. For things that may be out of your wheelhouse (like for us, it’s cleaning windows), hire out in advance. -à Give us a call for a list of our recommended service providers! Have a list of to dos as well as a plan to tackle them. Be sure any larger tasks are done on separate days. Reward yourself when you are finished! We Are YOUR Home Team Remember, we’re not just here to help you buy or sell a home. Please reach out if you need referrals for house cleaners, window washers, or other service providers that can help you make the most of your space. And, as a reminder, at The Home Team Group, because we have real estate sales, lending, and title all under one roof, if you are considering a larger organizational upgrade, like a custom closet, pantry, or garage system, we can show you how leveraging your home’s equity to make your life easier might be easier than you thought.  Plus, we can also discuss how the investment could impact the value of your home!  For #AllThingsRealEstate, let our TEAM WORK for you. Much Love,  Amanda aka The Marketing Mama
How the Bank Failures Impact the Real Estate Market

Believe it or not, those recent bank failures have brought mortgage rates down—and economists predict they could fall even further in the coming months. As expert real estate professionals, The Home Team Agents of lpt Realty are closely monitoring this situation and are here to help you navigate it 🫡 🏡 BUYERS: Be prepared to lock in a low rate when the time is right. Working with a knowledgeable agent is key. Here within the lending division of The Home Team Group (Home Team Lending), anyone of our Local Mortgage Experts can help you get pre-qualified for a home loan. Message me back here and I'll connect you, or you're also welcome to call them directly: 833.WE.LOAN.1. 🏡 SELLERS: A dip in mortgage rates could mean more buyers in the market. If you’ve been considering selling your home, now may be the perfect time. We can help you prep your home and get it listed quickly to take advantage of a possible increase in demand. Here within our title division of The Home Team Group (Home Team Title), our Vital Title Professionals work hand in hand with us to ensure there are NO SURPRISES when it comes to your home sale.   Message me back here for request title directly at  🏡 HOMEOWNERS: You could save a bundle by refinancing if rates fall significantly. Let our team, YOUR Home Team, show you how to leverage your equity! Don’t miss out on this potential window of opportunity! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and let my TEAM WORK for you!  Much Love,  Amanda aka The Marketing Mama 📲 855.4YO.TEAM 📧 #mortgagerates #realestate #realestateagent #siliconvalleybankcollapse #bankingcrisis #homeequity #homevalue #investor #realestateinvestment #sellyourhome #floridarealestate #volusiacountyfl #seminolecountyflorida #lakecountyflorida #orangecountyflorida #floridarealtor #hometeamagents #lptrealty #hometeamlending #mortgageadvisors #hometeamtitle #YOURHomeTeam for #allthingsrealestate🏡
Pricing Your Home To Sell

    Pricing your home to sell is part art form, part science, and definitely needs a skilled expert. You may have heard that there is not much housing inventory right now, which means that prices are high across the board. This is great news for you as a home seller! The timing is perfect for you to get a strong return on your investment in your home. With more houses coming to market every day and eager buyers searching for their dream home, pricing your home appropriately is one of the most important things you can do when selling.
Thinking about buying a home? First Time Homebuyers start with this.

  Preparing to be a homeowner doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Whether it takes you 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years, our Team is here for you every step of the way as YOUR Home Team. Our 20 years’ experience helping consumers with the dream of homeownership has confirmed that the true backbone of our industry is the #FirstTimeBuyer. What’s even more rewarding? Being that buyer’s #RealEstateAdvisor for LIFE. At our #FamilyBusiness (The Home Team Group), you're not business, you're FAMILY. 😃 
Florida Home Equity is Still at a Record High

  YEP! FLORIDA HOMES ARE MAINTAINING THEIR VALUE. I was floored with the recent statistic that 2 out of 3 Florida Homeowners have over 50% equity in their home. WOW! Let's talk about how we can leverage your equity position. Turns out, living in Florida is #paradise in more ways than one! 
Understanding The Steps To An Accepted Offer...

  No need to be nervous when it comes to making an offer...  
HUGE News for First Time Homebuyers!

Here's a HUGE announcement that could mean more buying power for first time home buyers!   
5 Surefire Ways to Maximize Profit When Selling Your Home

  Having two decades of experience in the Central Florida Real Estate Market has provided some considerable insights.  When it comes to selling your home, there's 5 things you can do that will absolutely maximize your profit as a seller:   
The very FIRST step in your home buying journey...

What is the very FIRST step you should do before opening doors to homes? 
Top 5 Reasons Selling Your Home as a FSBO is a NO GO

It seems appealing to "save money" by listing your home for sale yourself...but, the data delivers something different....  
The 2023 Real Estate Market and YOU: GOOD NEWS!

The largest factor that drove the real estate market in 2022 was the skyrocketing mortgage rates.  It was almost as if someone came along and turned off the faucet for how quickly the homes were selling.  That someone was actually the Federal Reserve who aimed to slow down inflation with a series of interest rate hikes beginning in March of 2022. What I mean by the faucet being turned off…for those of you who are in the industry or were in the middle of buying or selling a house, you know that demand as well as appreciation in sales price leveled off.  We saw a small correction here in Florida, but by no means did the market take a dive.  Instead of availability of homes being the biggest issue, remember the APPLE FOR SALE, homebuyer affordability became a concern.  Here's the good news: yes, those higher rates had us all shook, but as this is my 4th shift in the real estate market over the past 2 decades in the industry, in my experience, it should ultimately lead to a more stable and balanced real estate market.   But, what can we expect in 2023? Will mortgage rates continue to climb? Could home prices come crashing down? Much like Manny and I discussed in our ARE WE HEADED TO ANOTHER HOUSING MARKET CRASH video, I think we’re going to be ok.  But, luckily, there are other industry experts who have some data I’ll share below that can back up our research and opinion.  I don’t have a crystal ball, but I’ve got some GOOD NEWS FOR REAL ESTATE!   GOOD NEWS: MORTGAGE RATES WILL FLUCTUATE LESS In 2022, 30-year fixed mortgage rates surged from roughly 3% in January to around 7%. We’ve never seen rates double in such a short period.  Yes, we were SHOOK. This year, economists forecast a less dramatic shift. In an interview with Bankrate, Nadia Evangelou, senior economist for the National Association of Realtors, shares her vision of three possible mortgage rate scenarios:1 Inflation continues to surge, forcing the Fed to repeatedly raise interest rates. In that scenario, she predicts that rates could reach as high as 8.5%. Inflation decelerates and mortgage rates follow suit, averaging 7 to 7.5% for the year. Rising interest rates trigger a recession, which could ultimately lead mortgage rates to drop closer to 5% by the end of the year. forecasts something similar to scenario #2 above: “Mortgage rates will average 7.4% in 2023, trickling down to 7.1% by year’s end.”2 The Mortgage Bankers Association, however, projects something closer to Evangelou’s scenario #3, with the 30-year fixed rate declining steadily throughout the year, averaging 6.2% in Q1 and 5.2% by Q4.3 Economists at Fannie Mae fall somewhere in the middle. In a recent press release, they predicted that the U.S. economy will experience a “modest recession” this year.4 But in their December Housing Forecast, they project that 30-year fixed mortgage rates will only fall by half a point from an average of 6.5% in Q1 to 6.0% in Q4.5 "From our perspective, the good news is that demographics remain favorable for housing, so the sector appears well-positioned to help lead the economy out of what we expect will be a brief recession,” said Fannie Mae Chief Economist Doug Duncan. WORTH THE RISK?  YES! Guys, no one has a crystal ball and as you’ve read, even the experts can’t say for certain where mortgage rates are headed. So, where is your basis for gambling?  Real Estate is always a good investment.  Instead of trying to ”time the market,” focus instead on buying or selling a home when the time is right for you. At YOUR Home Team Group, we can help show you a variety of mortgage options that are currently available that can make a home purchase more affordable.  Don’t forget, within our lending division, HOME TEAM LENDING, we service our own loans, so refinancing when the rates are lower is easier than ever!      GOOD NEWS: INVENTORY WILL CONTINUE TO RISE I was tired.  My buyers were tired.  The industry was tired.  Going to battle over and over AND OVER again in the home-buying frenzy post 2020, well, it’s a welcome breath of fresh air.  I literally feel like I can breathe again!  You’ve probably forgotten, but in a regular real estate market, homes take more than 3 hours to sell.  And so you’re going to start seeing listing inventory increase their ADOM (Average Days On Market) and there will be more options because of it.  Economists are predicting total home sales will fall a bit, but rebound right back. Chief Economist Danielle Hale recently said, “The deceleration in home sales is likely to continue as high home prices and mortgage rates limit the pool of eligible home buyers. We anticipate that existing home sales will decline another 14.1% in 2023.” She expects this drop in sales to lead to a nearly 23% increase in inventory levels this year, offering more choices for buyers who have struggled to find a home in the past.6 However, given the severe lack of housing supply, even with a double-digit increase, the market is expected to remain relatively tight and below pre-pandemic levels. Hale points out: “It’s important to keep historical context in mind. The level of inventory in 2023 is expected to fall roughly 15% short of the 2019 average.” So, what the heck does that mean for a buyer and/or an agent? If the lack of inventory has been making you crazy and/or frustrated 2023 may bring new opportunities for you to find the perfect home. And today’s buyers have more negotiating power than they’ve had in years. Contact YOUR Home Team to find out what listings that meet your criteria. And, what the heck does that mean if you’re a seller (or their agent)?  Y’all better GET TO IT! More homes on the market means more competition. Because we have Real Estate, Mortgage, and Title all under one roof, we can expertly determine your best course of action and maximize your profits.  Feel free to CLICK HERE FOR A FREE HOME VALUATION.  And, you can always Text or #CallYourMama 855.4YO.MAMA to schedule a free consultation.  GOOD NEWS: HOME PRICES WILL REMAIN RELATIVELY STABLE While some economists expect home prices to fall this year, many expect them to remain fairly stable. And, many economists agree with Manny and I that a housing market crash like the one we experienced in 2008 is highly unlikely. The factors that caused home prices to plunge during the Great Recession—specifically crazy lending standards and a surplus of inventory—aren’t a thing anymore. So, what the heck does that mean if you’re a buyer? Uncertainty, in any capacity is scary, right? But with the changing of the New Year, there is also HOPE.  And, one thing that IS FOR CERTAIN: real estate is a long-term investment that has more-often-than-not appreciated over time.  Did you know that when the market is “slow,” that’s when it’s the MOST FUN to be a buyer?  I’ve helped literally hundreds of families purchase homes and I’m actually kind of excited for buyers in 2023.  The key is to discuss your goals and budget with experts that know what they’re doing.  Like my team at The Home Team Group.  Whether it takes three weeks, three months, or three years….if your goal is homeownership, our goal is to get you there.   Get a game plan together with YOUR Home Team. And, remember, if you’re planning to sell this year, because we have #AllThingsRealEstate under one roof…we have so much more to offer in terms of maximizing your profits.  Contact us for recommendations and to find out what your home could sell for in today’s market. BAD NEWS: RENT PRICES KEEP CLIMBING According to Jay Parsons, head of economics for rental housing software company RealPage, there’s some evidence of a slowdown in demand. He predicts that market-rate rents will rise just 3.3% this year. At a national level, the forecast for rent growth is 6.3% in the next 12 months, somewhat ahead of home price growth and historical rent trends.”7 So, what the heck does that mean if you’re renting?  Rent goes up, but you can lock in a set mortgage payment and build long-term wealth by putting that money toward a home purchase instead. Reach out for a free consultation to discuss your options. GOOD NEWS: WE’RE HERE TO GUIDE YOU My husband Manny and I, the Co-Founders of The Home Team Group, have been the “Literal & Figurative Marriage Between Lender & Realtor” for over 20 years right here in Central Florida.  We have helped literally thousands of people with their real estate goals and have thousands of closed transactions under our belts.  We have an incredible team of knowledgeable real estate, mortgage, and title professionals who all believe as we do: when you help people, good things happen.  If you’re looking for experts with a heart of service to help you buy, sell, or refinance in 2023, then look no further.  We are YOUR Home Team.  Much love, Amanda aka The Marketing Mama     The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to be financial, legal, or tax advice. Consult the appropriate professionals for advice regarding your individual needs. Sources: Bankrate - com - Mortgage Bankers Association - Fannie Mae - Fannie Mae - com - CNBC -  
20 Unique Home Gifts for Every Person on Your List

Is it just me or does it feel like every year the holidays sneak up on us?  We'll, there’s no need to succumb to the dreaded last-minute gift panic. We’ve lined up a list of unique gifts for every “type” on your list. And since here at The Home Team Group work in real estate, they’re all centered around home life. Check out these fun gift ideas for everyone on your list, from the coffee snob to the sports enthusiast and beyond! FOR THOSE WHO ARE ALWAYS IN THE KITCHEN These gift ideas will be a treat for the chef, baker, or food lover on your list: 1. The Coffee Snob Glass Pour-Over Coffeemaker - $36 Have a java lover on your list who just can’t get their brew right at home? This high-end pour-over system makes a smooth brew that can even be refrigerated and reheated so your recipient can enjoy a perfect cup at any time. 2. The Foodie Shiitake Mushroom Log Kit - $30 I shiitake you not!  This cool kit allows them to grow delicious mushrooms right in their cupboard. All they’ll need to do is soak the wood and put it in a cool place, then wait a few weeks, and voila—mushrooms! Best of all, they can keep growing mushrooms on the same log for years. 3. The Baker Vintage Etched Cake Stand - $60 If you’re lucky enough to have a fabulous home baker on your list, give a gift that reflects the joy their treats bring to others. This lovely glass cake stand is the platform that a beautifully decorated dessert deserves. 4. The Tea Aficionado Flowering Tea Set - $25 Your favorite tea lover may have tried all of the herbal blends out there, but we bet they haven’t seen tea like this. This set contains two “blossoms” of tea leaves hand-sewn around flowers that bloom when you place them in the included glass teapot and add hot water.    FOR THOSE WHO WOULD RATHER BE IN THE BACKYARD For many of us, time outdoors is the ultimate source of rejuvenation. The nature-lover on your list is sure to appreciate these presents that help them maximize that joy in their daily lives. 5. The Gardener Striped Garden Tote Bag - $37 Dedicated gardeners all need a great bag to carry their gear. This tote is attractive and sturdy and will help them keep their home’s exterior beautiful and welcoming. 6. The Flower Lover Monthly Flower Subscription - starting at $40/month If your loved one prefers to enjoy their flora without all the work, a delivery of farm-fresh flowers is sure to surprise and delight. And you can keep the joy blossoming year-round with a monthly or bi-monthly subscription. 7. The Poolside Sipper Yeti Tumbler- $25 The festivities can ensue outside with these shatterproof, dishwasher safe, and double-wall insulated tumblers from Yeti.  With over 15 colors to choose from, this is definitely a sure-fire crowd pleaser. 8. The Outdoor Adventurer Solar Phone Charger - $29 Have a camper or adventurer on your list? This solar-powered phone charger, which comes with a built-in flashlight and compass, is a must-have. It will also make a great addition to their home emergency kit. FOR THOSE WITH THEIR NOSE TO GRINDSTONE Like it or not, most of us spend a good chunk of our lives working—whether at a job or on projects and chores around the house. These gifts are designed to make that work a bit easier and more enjoyable. 9. The Remote Worker Home Office Lap Desk - $35 Working at home can be great—in part because you can work from anywhere in the house. The remote worker on your list will appreciate this lap desk with a built-in mouse pad and phone slot, which will allow them to work comfortably from the couch or the bed without overheating their computer. 10. The Back-to-The-Office Worker Bento Lunch Box - $27 If your loved one is heading back to the office, it doesn’t mean they have to give up the healthy habit of a home-cooked meal. Send them to work with this stylish lunch box packed full of nutritious food. 11. The Do-It-Yourselfer 65ft Laser Distance Measure - $50 The handy person on your list can say goodbye to unwieldy tape measures with this nifty device. It’s perfect for DIY projects up to 65 feet. 12. The Clean Freak Portable Sanitizing Travel Wand - $60 One could say that in the COVID-19 era, we’ve all become a little germaphobic. This UV wand kills viruses and bacteria in seconds without any wiping or washing required. It’s perfect for disinfecting shoes, computer keyboards, and more! FOR THOSE MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT THEIR HOBBIES Of course, there’s a lot more to life than work. If you’re gifting a friend or family member who really lights up when they talk about their hobbies, we’ve got you covered. 13. The Sports Enthusiast Hockey Stick BBQ Set - $45 Looking for a gift for the sports enthusiast in your life that isn’t another jersey? These BBQ tools made from repurposed hockey sticks are a great pick. Perfect for cooking up food to watch with the game! 14. The Bookworm The Book Lover’s Journal - $13 Know someone who loves to curl up on the couch with a good book? This journal will help the book-lover on your list keep track of what they’ve read, as well as their ever-growing “to-read” list. 15. The Runner Marathon Map Hydration Bottles - $36 Help the runner you love to stay hydrated (and motivated) with a water bottle inscribed with their favorite race route. It’s perfect for runs around the neighborhood or just toting around the house. 16. The Tourist Travel Backpack - $100 Make it easy for the travel lover on your list to bring back souvenirs. This lightweight backpack folds flat so it’s easy to pack but sturdy enough to carry their new treasures all the way home.   FOR THOSE WHO PUT FAMILY FIRST For many of us, the greatest joy in life comes from our relationship with our family. Help your recipient strengthen and celebrate those all-important connections with these thoughtful gifts. 17. The New Parent 4-in-1 Baby Food Maker - $155 It’s hard to know what to buy for new parents once their registry is cleared out, but if they’re interested in making baby food at home, this tool is a must-have. It makes the process, from steaming to mixing, fast and easy. 18. The Genealogy Fan DNA Kit - $99 Know someone interested in reconnecting with their ancestral home? This DNA kit can help them trace their geographical heritage and uncover their family history. 19. The Pet Person Custom Printed Socks - $25 Is your friend’s pet their favorite family member? These adorable socks are sure to put a smile on their face as they cozy up on the couch with their fur baby. And since you can feature up to four pets on each pair of socks, no one needs to feel left out. 20. The Documentarian Mini Link Printer - $100 We all have that relative who snaps a million photos at every family event. Help them capture each precious moment with this unique gadget that essentially transforms a smartphone into a Polaroid camera. It makes it easy to customize and print out snapshots to display around the house or insert into a scrapbook for posterity.   READY TO GIVE YOURSELF THE ULTIMATE GIFT? We take pride in being your go-to gurus for #AllThingsRealEstate and want to be your real estate advisors through every season of life. Whether it takes 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years-if your goal is to buy, sell, or even refinance a home…our goal is to get you there!  We welcome you to always reach out with questions or to ask for recommendations or referrals any time of year. And when you’re ready to give yourself the gift of a new home, simply text or #CallYourMama and my team and I would be honored to talk with you about options. From finding the right neighborhood to identifying the solutions that will make the biggest difference in your quality of life, you can always count on YOUR Home Team. Merry EVERYTHING,  Amanda aka The Marketing Mama
Home for the Holidays: 5 Tips To Stretch Your Budget in a Season of Inflation

Tis the season for....inflation? Ok, that's a bit tongue in cheek, but the great news is: you don't have to break the bank to celebrate the holidays in style—even in this season of inflation. Prices may be higher on everything from food to gifts to decorations, but there are still plenty of opportunities to eke out extra savings. And, don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses...according to multiple surveys, inflation is not only chilling people's spending, it's also prompting shoppers to search for better deals and creative ways to reduce their bills.1  So, you won't be the only one bargain-hunting your way to a more financially-stable New Year! Here are some strategies you can use to boost your holiday budget by trimming household expenses: 1. Hunt for Deals on Groceries With the U.S. food-at-home index (a measure of grocery price inflation) at a 43-year high, many families are struggling to control costs on food staples, such as meat, dairy, produce, and grains.2   That could make pulling off holiday gatherings especially stressful. But don't despair: simple swaps and searching for discounts are a great way to bridge the gap.  The key is to pay attention to the cost of each item on your shopping list—not just the most expensive—and look for easy swaps and discounts. For example, you can snap digital deals by utilizing coupons on your smart phone or even try buying non-perishable items in bulk, especially when they’re on sale, and only in-season produce. Or trade name-brand goods for less expensive options from a store's private label. My kids love doing "taste challenges" with food brands.  And, honestly, it can be pretty fun!   2. Prep Your Home for Holiday Guests With Pre-Owned Finds You don't have to sacrifice style for the sake of preserving your holiday budget either. If you're expecting company this year and would like to add some festive flair to your home, you can do so inexpensively—especially if you're willing to decorate with items that are secondhand. Thrifting is back in vogue, with an increasing number of shoppers preferring pre-owned furniture and home goods. And thanks to a pandemic-era boom in online shopping, it is easier than ever to find deals on new and pre-owned furniture, thrifted gifts, DIY decor, and more. Even secondhand stores like Goodwill have joined the digital fray, making it a cinch to score gently-used treasures at extra-low prices.3 A recent study found that the “recommerce” market grew almost 15% last year, which was twice the pace of general retail.4 Plus, buying used isn’t just a great way to save money, it also helps the environment by keeping reusable items out of landfills. Don't stress yourself out, though, if you don't have the time or money to dress your home the way you hoped. “A house doesn’t have to be perfect or completely done for it to feel festive or inviting,” designer Justina Blakeney noted in an interview with the Washington Post. “These are family and friends, and they are not judging you.”5 3. Forgo Major Renovations in Favor of DIY Home Improvements Holidays are always a tricky time to undergo big renovations. But with ongoing worker and material shortages, now is an especially bad time to commit. Inflated costs can add thousands to your reno budget –—and unnecessary stress to your holiday. Instead of suffering through an ill-timed remodel, you're better off saving this time of year for simpler, less expensive projects you can do yourself. One winter-perfect upgrade to consider: Build a DIY fire pit so that you and your guests can roast marshmallows and relax in the cozy comfort of your backyard. You can also add some extra ambiance by hanging energy-efficient LED outdoor string lights that change from white to colorful. These are festive enough for the holidays, but also versatile enough to use year-round. 4. Invest in Home Maintenance Projects That Cut Your Utility Bills You can save money by completing basic home maintenance tasks , such as swapping your AC filter and updating your lightbulbs to LEDs. But if you really want to lower your bills this winter, consider projects that make your home more energy efficient, which will open up some of your budget for the holidays.  According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), you can save a couple of hundred dollars a year just by sealing your home and boosting its insulation.6  According to the EPA, 9 out of 10 homes in the U.S. are under-insulated, which wastes energy and money.7 Luckily, there are plenty of DIY insulation projects that you can complete in just a few days. For example, the EPA offers guides on how to: Insulate your attic or crawl spaces Weatherstrip doors and windows Seal areas around the house that may be leaking air, including electrical outlets and fireplaces The savings you get from these projects can really add up. The EPA estimates that sealing and insulating your ducts can make your HVAC system up to 20% more efficient.8 And thanks to new provisions from the Inflation Reduction Act, you can also save a bundle this year by investing in certain energy-efficient upgrades and claiming a tax credit.9 Be sure to check with us about any local rebates and incentives that may be available, too, before getting started on a project. We know lots of great deals! 5. Use Expense Tracking to Boost Your Holiday Budget To avoid overextending yourself during the holidays, one of the best things you can do is track your income and expenses. If your monthly budget is usually tight, you may need to make some adjustments to free up cash for holiday expenditures. For example, below is a sample budget worksheet. Start by adding in your expenses: Under the “Typical” column, you can list your standard expenses, and under the “Adjusted” column, list any areas where you could cut back on spending. Then consider how your standard wages may be adjusted this month by extra shifts, additional tips, or an end-of-year bonus. By decreasing your spending and/or increasing your income, you can build room in your budget for holiday gifts and gatherings. Feel free to utilize this worksheet as a template that you can personalize to your needs, or ask us for a PDF copy that you can print out and use right away. WE’RE HERE TO HELP We would love to help you meet your financial goals now and in the year ahead. Whether you want to find lower-cost alternatives for home renovations, maintenance, or services, we are happy to provide our insights and referrals. And if you’re saving up to buy a new home, of course YOUR Home Team would LOVE to help with that, too. This is the perfect time to score a great deal because only the most motivated homebuyers and sellers are active in the market right now. So reach out to schedule a free consultation. We can fill you in on some of the exciting programs and incentives we’re seeing that help make homeownership more affordable.  Much love,  Amanda AKA The Marketing Mama   The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be financial, legal, or tax advice. Consult the appropriate professionals for advice regarding your individual needs. Sources: Retail Dive - NBC News - USA Today - CNBC - ​​ Washington Post - S. Environmental Protection Agency - S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -!card0-GW91 Energy Star - The White House -  
Discover What Buyers Will Pay for Your Home In Today's Market

  Where is the Easy Button for Finding Your Home’s Value? Don’t you wish it was as easy as clicking a button to see what your home is actually worth?  In any market, but especially in a shifting market, determining the dollar amount to list your home is a little trickier than the click of a button.  That’s why you really should consult with an educated real estate professional prior to listing your home.  Fun fact, even Zillow recommends that you use a real estate agent for coming up with the actual market value of your home. WHAT?!  Seriously, y’all.  Even if you’re not looking to sell right now, as a homeowner, knowing the value of your asset or what we real estate nerds call your EQUITY truly is (not just what an algorithm spits out) can really help when and if the time does come to liquidate that asset through selling or refinancing.   There's a weird dance that no one talks about when it comes to pricing your home.  I say, LET'S TALK.  Because if we get real, that's when you get the RESULTS you're looking for.  That weird dance is: price too high or price too low...omg, whatever shall we do?  Listen, I get it, if a home is priced too high it may sit on the market for a while.  People then subliminally think there's something wrong with a home that sits too long.  Usually, there's nothing wrong with it except for the seller was told what they WANTED to hear, not what they NEEDED to hear.  And, how about the opposite: if you price it too low, you may be losing out on some serious cash (goodness knows no one wants to do that!). So, how do we stop dancing around and start making POWER MOVES?   By knowledge.  I promise that this knowledge I'm about to impart upon you after nearly 20 years in this business may be that "easy button" you've been looking for so that when the time comes for you to make a move the only dance you'll be doing is the HAPPY DANCE!  Did you know that there’s actually THREE types of Home Values?  Yes sir-appraised value, assessed value, and true market value.  Let’s talk about the differences and how they can help you when it comes to either using the equity in your home or selling your home for the highest and best offer.  Here’s a not-so-secret SECRET: YOUR HOME IS WORTH WHAT BUYERS WILL PAY FOR IT, but because a large majority of buyers are depending on financing to actually buy your home, let’s start with what is in most sales the biggest kind of valuation - the valuation from an APPRAISAL.  Appraised Value A professional appraiser is in charge of determining the appraised value of a home. These appraisals are typically required by a lender when a buyer is financing the property. Many people (& yes, even some Realtor®s) don’t realize that even though the lender is requiring this appraisal, the appraiser does not work for the lender.1 Federal regulations require that your appraiser should be an objective, licensed professional who doesn’t have allegiance to the buyer, seller, or lender—no matter who is paying their fee.  An appraiser is to be an un-biased third party.  This protects everyone in the transaction.  It didn’t used to be that way before the crash of 2008…so voila, crisis averted with that non-biased third-party opinion! The number the appraiser comes up with (the appraised value) assures the lender that the buyer is not overpaying for the property...or, is not getting a loan for more than what they should. Here’s an example: let’s say a home is listed for $400,000, and after careful negotiation, Buyer and Seller reach an agreement to sell the home $375,000. However, during the appraisal period, that appraiser evaluates the property and determines that the appraised value is actually $325,000.  Well, then the lender will not lend for an amount higher than that appraised value of $325,000.2 That doesn’t mean the deal is dead, but it does mean in terms of financing, that’s where the financing is capped.  Over the past year we saw tons of home buyers paying well over appraised value or even waiving the appraisal all-together; however, as of the time of this blog (November 2022), the market is starting to level out here in Florida so the days of buyers paying tens of thousands above list/appraised value isn’t happening the way that it was there for a while.  Assessed Value Well, how about value of a home that is shown on the county appraiser’s website?  Is that a good assessment of what price you should list your home or offer on a home?  Often times I have buyers tell me that they don't want to offer over X amount because of what the county appraiser site says. Well….here's my answer to them: that assessed value is the taxable value based on when the last time that particular property was last assessed.  It is NOT the fair market value.  Additionally, it may include exemptions that aren't readily available for us to know about without discussing with the seller and/or listng agent.  And, in my opinion, because the county property accessor doesn’t have full access to your home, their information is limited-they don’t know all the upgrades, improvements, or even the real condition of what that home has to offer as it is today.  The county property appraiser’s assessment is used to calculate property taxes to be paid on your home.  And, there are laws in place to protect homeownership in terms of how high taxes can be raised annually, so just because a property has a lower assessed value, doesn't mean that's anywhere near what it is worth.  The good news is, though, the lower your assessed value, the less property tax you’ll pay.3 Friend to friend, I’ve asked a handful of county property accessors through the years if there’s like a “set” valuation they go off of….and hand to God…not a single one of them would give me even a whisper of a hint of a "rule of thumb."  Their bosses would be proud! LOL.  There's too many variables.  I get it. If your assessed value isn’t as high as you envisioned, don’t sweat it. And, on the contrary, if you feel you’ve missed the boat on an exemption, feel free to reach out.  We are always happy to help our clients in any way we can.  If you live here in Central Florida, here’s the direct links to all the property exemption websites: VOLUSIA LAKE ORANGE SEMINOLE FLAGLER BREVARD POLK MARION OSCEOLA APPRAISED VALUE VS TRUE MARKET VALUE? An appraiser figures out their valuation by comparing the property to similar homes in your neighborhood, and they’ll evaluate factors such as location, square footage, appliances, upgrades, improvements, and the interior and exterior of the home.  Prior to listing your home, a good Realtor® will do something similar, called a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), and while most Realtor®s aren’t appraisers, they can utilize tools and training to provide a good range for your home’s valuation.  An educated Realtor® typically provides a home valuation right in line with what the appraiser’s valuation comes in at.  Do NOT list your home with an agent who does not provide you with a CMA.  That is a recipe for disaster and heartache. True market value basically refers to the value that a buyer is willing to pay for the property and friends, a good Realtor® is an expert in determining true market value because we have hands-on experience buying and selling properties. Here within The Home Team Group, because we have also a mortgage and a title division, we actually see far more transactions than most lone agents and we pride ourselves on educating our team weekly on the market trends and scenarios that come up in the wild, wonderful world of real estate.  We literally EAT, BREATHE, & SLEEP this stuff!  And, when you hire one person from YOUR Home Team, you get the collective knowledge and experience of all of us.  Because we work with so many buyers, sellers, and other real estate professionals, we understand the mindsets of buyers in our market and know what they’ll pay for a desirable property. As a seller, knowing your true market value is important because it helps you choose how much to list your property for, but it can also help us decide together as a team what, if anything, can or should be done to your home before putting it on the market make the biggest impact on your net proceeds.  Alright, before I sign off on this blog, I do have to address the big FAT elephant in the room when it comes to market values….WHY ONLINE CALCULATORS/ESTIMATES ARE A PAIN IN EVERYONE’S BUTT. Ok, I’m biased, clearly, but just like Credit Karma is just a GUIDE for monitoring your credit, so are sites like….Zillow, Redfin, and Trulia should be...just guides.  And, if you want to know what I mean about Credit Karma, click here for a quick BUT VERY ACCURATE blurb I posted on TikTok, as understanding the difference in credit scores and how it impacts your ability to obtain a mortgage is a regular class I teach to my Realtor partners.  I digress..... .....for the love of all that is holy, there’s no possible way that an online computer who has never been to your home or neighborhood could possibly be the end all be all of your home’s value!  It’s just an estimate. It’s not an actual appraisal or the “true market value.” And, if you read the fine print, these sites all have their own algorithms for coming up with their estimates. For example, Zillow comes up with their “Zestimates” by calculating “public and user-submitted data, taking into account special features, location, and market conditions.” 5 They even say on their site that the accuracy depends on location and availability of data in that area.  Y’all?!  You want accuracy, just text or #CallYourMama 855.4YO.MAMA.  Remember my FUN FACT from above: even Zillow recommends that you use a real estate agent for coming up with the actual market value of your home. WHAT?!  Seriously, y’all.  The site says that once you get your “Zestimate,” you should still get “a comparative market analysis from a real estate agent.”  Which brings me to my final point: over the past 20 years in this amazing Real Estate business, it has been my true honor to be a go-to guru for my clients for #AllThingsRealEstate.  And, even though our team has expanded and yes, gotten bigger to provide even more care and service to many more families, just know that we pour our heart and soul into what we do and that’s why we are so grateful and proud to be YOUR Home Team.  My team and I would LOVE to assist you with any and all of your real estate needs and are never too busy for your referrals or questions.    Get a Complimentary Report With Your Home’s True Market Value Curious about your home’s true market value? Simply text or #CallYourMama 855.4YO.MAMA to request a free, no-obligation Comparative Market Analysis to find out exactly how much your home is worth! Much love,  Amanda aka The Marketing Mama   Sources: Chicago Tribune - SFGATE - ValuePenguin - Zillow - -        
7 Tips to Maximize Your Home’s Sale Price

Over the past few years, a real estate buying frenzy bid up home prices to eye-popping amounts. However, as mortgage rates have risen, buyer demand has cooled. 1 Consequently, home sellers who enter the market today may need to reset their expectations. The reality is, it’s no longer enough to stick a “for sale” sign in the yard and wait for buyers to bang down the door. If you want to net the most money possible for your property in today’s market, you’ll need an effective game plan and a skilled team of professionals to implement it. Fortunately, YOUR Home Team has developed a listing strategy that combines our proven approach to preparation, pricing, and promotion—all designed to help you get top dollar for your home. But you will play an important role in the selling process, as well. Here are some crucial steps you can take to set yourself up for success as a home seller: 1. Make Strategic Repairs and Improvements When you sell something, it’s important to consider what your customer wants to buy. And according to the National Association of Realtors, only 6% of today’s buyers report that they are looking for a DIY fixer-upper.2 The vast majority want a move-in-ready home, which means that any outstanding repairs or dated features can be a major turn-off. Before your home goes on the market, we’ll conduct a thorough walk-through to identify any problems that could prevent it from selling. In some cases, we may recommend a professional pre-listing inspection. Finding and addressing issues like leaks, rot, and foundation problems up front can pay off in the final sale price. Plus, it prevents sales from falling through because of a red flag on the home inspection, a scenario no seller wants to face. Beyond repairs, we’ll also help you identify the simple upgrades that offer the highest return on your investment. For example, new paint can give your home a fresh look at a reasonable cost. However, it’s important to choose the right colors. One study found that painting your bathroom light blue could lead to a 1.6% increase in the offer price!3 Similarly, minor landscaping improvements can pay off in a major way. A healthy lawn offers an estimated 256% return on investment.4 2. Declutter and Depersonalize When buyers look at a home for sale, they’re trying to envision themselves living there. That’s hard to do if it’s chock-full of the current owner’s family photos, children’s artwork, and souvenir collections. Plus, cluttered homes look smaller, and older items can make them feel dated. Decluttering before you put your home up for sale will help you in the long run—after all, you’ll need to move all your things to your new home eventually. Now is the time to shred, digitize, or organize old documents, donate old clothes, or move bulky furniture into storage. At a minimum, you’ll want to pack away excess items neatly before potential buyers view the home. Remove personal photos and other trinkets to create a blank slate that viewers can imagine decorating with their own prized possessions. If you feel overwhelmed by this process, we’d be happy to make recommendations or refer you to a local service provider who can help. 3. Stage Your Home for Success Just as you take care to dress professionally for a job interview, you should always ensure your home looks its best for potential buyers. Home shoppers today are used to scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, and they want to see the same wow factor when touring a home. The process of making your home look its best and appeal to potential buyers is called staging, and it can be a game changer. According to the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, an average priced staged home sells 5 to 11 times faster than its unstaged counterpart. Even better, the majority of staged homes sell for 4% to 20% over list price!5 Some sellers hire a professional stager, who may bring in furniture and decor to increase the home’s appeal. Having been selling Real Estate for 20 years, we have some great tips & tricks to "stage with your own stuff." One of my claims to fame was coming into a listing after it had been with another agent for 9 months.  I showed it to 3 different buyers, none of which ended up making an offer.  When the listing agreement was over, the seller called me and my assistant and I took about 5 hours to stage with their stuff and guess what....under contract within a week!  Others choose to stage their homes themselves. We can help advise you on which route to choose and how much to invest in the process. It’s also important to consider what buyers in your neighborhood are likely to be looking for in a home. We can help guide your staging choices with our local market insights. For example, in neighborhoods where a large share of residents work from home, it may be effective to stage one room as an office space so potential buyers can envision their day-to-day routine. 4. Prep for Each Showing Most of us don’t live picture-perfect lives, and our homes reflect that (sometimes messy) reality. But when your home is on the market, it’s important to ensure that it is always ready for viewers, even on short notice. A missed showing is a missed opportunity to sell your home! Before your home hits the market, it may be worth hiring professional cleaners to get in all the nooks and crannies. After, try your best to keep things spic and span. Just a few minutes a day wiping down counters, sweeping the floors, and vacuuming can make a big difference. It’s also worth noting that most buyers will open cabinets, drawers, and closets—so try to make sure everything is as neat and organized as possible. Keep toiletries and small appliances off countertops, and secure valuables and sensitive documents in a safe or off-site. Want help finding a cleaning service to make your home shine for buyers? Reach out for a referral!   5. Price Your Home Correctly From the Start In the past few years, you may have seen homes in your neighborhood sell for shocking amounts and wondered if you could get a similar price for your property. The temptation to list your home on the high side can be strong, but it’s best to be realistic from the start. Even in a hot market, some homes will sit for months. And the longer a property is listed, the more buyers worry that something is wrong with it.6 Of course, you also don’t want to set your price too low and lose out on potential profit. That’s why it’s essential to work with real estate agents (like YOUR Home Team!) who know the ins and outs of our local market and what buyers are willing to pay today. In a quickly-evolving market, comparable sales from a few months ago can lag the current market reality. Fortunately, if you’ve owned your home for several years, chances are good that it’s worth much more today than you paid for it. That means you stand to walk away with a handsome profit. In fact, recent reports show that homeowner equity is at an all-time high.7 6. Avoid Acting on Emotion The past few years of over-asking-price offers with few contingencies have set certain expectations for many sellers. It’s only natural to feel hurt or even offended if an offer comes in lower than what you think your home is worth. However, it’s important to keep in mind that those market conditions were unprecedented, and we are now returning to a more typical market. Home sellers who act rationally, rather than emotionally, are going to get the best results. Remember: You can always counter a low offer. The same goes for repair requests and contingencies—everything is negotiable. However, it’s important to accept that the market is adjusting and flexibility is key. Keep your expectations reasonable, and remain open-minded. And you can rest assured knowing that we’ll be by your side every step of the way to help you navigate the process and negotiate a great deal. 7. Work With a Local Market Expert The economics impacting mortgage rates may be national, but real estate markets are hyperlocal. That’s why working with a professional agent who understands your neighborhood’s dynamics is essential. Through our experience, we’ve gathered insights that can help us position your home for success in this market. Plus, we have the resources to connect with qualified buyers searching for a home like yours. Working with a knowledgeable agent is also the secret to getting as much money as possible for your home. We have access to extensive data on recent sales in your neighborhood, which we will use to price and promote your property. That’s one reason why homes sold by agents draw much higher prices than those sold by their owners alone. While for-sale-by-owner homes went for a median price of $260,000 in 2020, the median for homes sold by agents was $318,000.8 That’s a difference of $58,000—and money you don’t want to leave on the table. YOUR AGENT AND ADVOCATE Selling a home in a fast-changing market can be stressful. You’re likely to hear conflicting advice and opinions from people in your life, and decisions like what color to paint your front door or how much to list your home for can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in. The market may be adjusting, but it’s still highly advantageous for sellers—and we’re here to help you make the most of it. We’re listing experts in our area, and we know what steps you need to take for a smooth, profitable transaction. If you’re considering buying or selling a home, we invite you to reach out to schedule a free consultation. My team and I are happy to talk through your specific situation and goals and help you identify your next steps.    Much Love,   Amanda aka The Marketing Mama     The above references an opinion and is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to be financial, legal, or tax advice. Consult the appropriate professionals for advice regarding your individual needs. Sources: Yahoo! Finance - National Association of Realtors - Zillow - Angi - International Association of Home Staging Professionals - Washington Post - - National Association of Realtors -    
Amanda Sarnes

Amanda Sarnes

Phone:+1(386) 218-2556

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